Sunday, April 30, 2006

quality spas and hot tubs

Purchasing a quality spa or hot tub is essential. But at the same time, you MUST buy what suits you and your budget. Is a free-standing hot tub better for you or would you like a sunken spa? Planning in moving home and wanting to take it with you? then you need a moveable one.... unless you are planning on leaving it to add value to your home. Hadn't considered that? A quality spa or hot tub, correctly sited within your garden will ADD VALUE to your home and make a sale more likely. It doesn't take much for prospective purchasers to imagine themselves reclining in the luxury of a hot tub or spa after a hard day at work.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Spas & Hot Tubs: fabulous!

Formerly a luxury, now a home essential a home spa or hot tub is the epitomy of relaxation, comfort, style, health and well-being. This blog will discuss the different types of spa and hot tub, the difference between these two and jacuzzi, some of the latest products, where to buy and what to consider when purchasing spas and hot tubs...